The Individual Way

The Individual Way

Nature has created life in the form of unique beings.
What is decisive, is the behaviour of the individual.
The area which holds the most potential for personal responsibility and power is one's personal life.
It is only natural to act as independently as possible and to take responsibility for oneself.
The behaviour of the individual is the driving force of societal processes and economic developments. This is why we recommend the most environmentally friendly organisation of one's own area of responsibility. All collective achievements are made up of individual ones.

Within public discourse the value of individual achievements is often devalued to the status of 'a drop in the ocean'. The media often gives the impression that only big achievements which affect the lives of many and can only be achieved by many are worth anything.

There is a desire to keep humans easily manipulated. To be manipulated though, they must distrust their own achievements and underestimate their power to influence. Eventually this will lead to the obedient following of social trends. It is necessary therefore, to proceed with the utmost caution when accepting "public opinion". What is described as "public opinion" are trends created by opinion makers which the public is often subsequently expected to subscribe to.

All creation originates on an individual level and it is individual beings that receive the positive benefits. It is always individuals that offer or receive help and mercy.
Even with the best of intentions one person can only help a certain amount of animals, plants and humans. Every seemingly minor achievement can result in huge fulfilment.

In general, the significance of organisations lies in the public representation of interests and in the support of long term projects. In the support of interest groups there is a danger of an imperceptible loss and relinquishing of ideals and values.

Within communities it is therefore necessary to be self-critical. Groups are subject toprocesses of group dynamics, whose dubious influences are often recognised too late if at all.Increasingly one can observe that those who act out of self-interest and those in need of recognition strive for positions of leadership. The use of diversion strategies by the opposition is on the increase. This can even escalate to criminal behaviour. Deception and misuse have increased extraordinarily. More often than not loopholes in the law are exploited. The fear of a loss of a sense of belonging causes even criminal acts to be glossed over, covered up and hence, condoned. Those who take these measures to prevent a loss of community could usually not have imagined that they would one day support damaging activities which are in direct opposition to their actual goals, before they joined the group.

Trust is no longer relevant. The decision to support damaging activities through personal weakness (fear of loneliness etc.) and the connected loss of self-respect can have far reaching psychological and psychosomatic consequences.
It is therefore not surprising, when misdirected followers develop psychosomatic health problems. A serious look at organisations and projects to identify misguided developments is recommended (see L i v i n g - without injuring or killing animals and plants, Chapter 11. Currently only available in German.). If a cause for worry is recognised, but the alienation from a group is feared, we recommend finding others who express the same views and actually live their ideals. Disengaging from the group is not as difficult if more impressive people provide a stronger attraction.
Organisations can always be disparaged and defamed by other interest groups. This has a detrimental affect on members who identify with the group. However, if a person goes their own way these socio-political developments can be taken in their stride.In order to lead a considerate, responsible and individual lifestyle one only needs information about peaceful and environmentally aware lifestyles. The Dragon Society for Nature provides knowledge and information free of charge. There are neither subscription fees nor obligations. A free, responsible and active life are the focus.

We support independent schemes and would like to draw your attention to the many possibilities for action.
Most of the typical environmental activities can be achieved independently without financial investment, alone or with friends.

This is the individual way.

The Questionable Use of Resources.

Many people donate considerable amounts of money for animal and environmental protection. At the same time they claim they cannot afford anything but cheap products, the price of which is paid by the suffering of animals, plants and the destruction of nature. In this way, for example, mass-produced meat is bought in an attempt to save money, because soy products and other tasty alternatives are seen to be too expensive. Money is then donated in retrospect, so that animal and environmental protection agencies can take action against cruel production methods and for the preservation of nature. It is, however, the demand for environmentally friendly products and doing without damaging products that determine supply. It would make more sense to sort out ones own lifestyle ethically, in order to reduce the suffering caused. Money is a source of power and influence. It should be employed with common sense and responsibility, in order to remove the causes of environmental damage. The attempt to relieve a guilty conscience about buying and using environmentally damaging products and services by subsequent donations can not be successful.
Donations are always based on the hope that others will use the money well. In this way responsibility to invest it in damaging or undamaging products and services is passed on to others. However, the questionable use of donations has increased to such an extent, that it is advisable to set up controls even for donations with a straightforward use.

What should we think of environmentally damaging advertising materials made of plastic, like biros, multi-coloured gloss business cards etc., which have been funded with donations to be used by animal and environmental protection agencies to advertise their services?
When harmful and painful means are used for nature protection, suffering for the beings remains and the goal is lost.

It would be more logical to purchase the environmentally friendly products oneself, even if they are more expensive, instead of trying to relieve a guilty conscience with a donation in retrospect. By deciding, for example, on an item of clothing which really suits ones personal style, it is no longer difficult to pass up on fur andleather goods which are connected to unspeakable animal suffering.

The cause of most cruelty and damage done to nature are the desires of consumers.
Freedom and independence become stifled as a consequence of the dependence on consumption.
The best is to allow oneself good, non-damaging products, through which living beings and nature are looked after. (A detailed description with practical suggestions can be found in chapter 10 of 'L i v i n g - without harming or killing animals and plants').

Living in a Peaceful and 'Naturan' Way within a Potentially Intolerant Society.

The following topic is often brought up in contributions. It is organised in accordance with the wishes of interested parties. Almost every considerate person experiences some degree of fear that they will not be socially accepted as a consequence of their peaceful way of life. There is great readiness to remain ignorant of the destruction of nature and suffering of animals and plants. The fact that those who want to consider others in their way of life must justify their ethically motivated lifestyle to those who cause damage and suffering more or less consciously or thoughtlessly does not reflect well on human society. It is, however, a fact, that most people do not want to accept that it is in their own interest to consider the well-being of other life forms.

The desire to have like-minded people around you is very natural. However, the amount of influence one can have is limited. It is advisable therefore, to search for like-minded people directly, instead of trying to convince others!
People often do not want to learn. Information is taken on selectively and is only processed and put into practice if genuine interest exists or there is need to act. An interest in the well-being of other living beings does, however, not exist or is often obscured by selfish desires and curtailed by the pressures of societal expectation. In addition, humans can also be seen to be led by destructive psychological patterns, based on the desire to harm others. In other words, humans, both consciously and sub-consciously want to act out their destructive feelings at the expense of the weak. The demonstrative exhibition of consumer goods also carries a hidden message for ones fellow man. The ability to buy this or that indicates a position of power. There is a lot of potential in reason, the ideal would be to use it. Most people merely react to moods and feelings to then provide socially acceptable reasons in retrospect. The anxiety about a loss of contact to others often prevents the defence of ones own wisdom. In response to this anxiety, it can only be said that nobody can avoid making a decision whether to give up ones personal development in order to adjust to the changing expectations of others, or to take responsibility for ones own lifestyle and the realisation of individual abilities.

It is advisable to be prepared for some anxiety in relation to social marginalisation.
If it comes to disagreeable discussions, it is usually more successful to remain factual and not to try to force your convictions onto others. It is usually the guilty conscience of those who damage other life forms, which leads to an aggressive and patronising tone.

Fundamentally there is no necessity to explain or even discuss decisions.
Short, clear statements are often more appropriate than heated arguments.

Thinking about what kind of statements or explanations can be useful in discussions can increase confidence. Here a few examples:

  • 'I am acting according to my convictions.'
  • 'I have come to the conclusion that ...'
  • 'I lead a naturan life, which means, I try not to harm plants, animals, humans or the rest of nature.'
  • 'I don't eat meat for the benefit of animals, nature and humans.'
  • 'That is my personal decision.'
  • 'I lead a naturan life. I have a peaceful approach to life. I respect living beings. You can find more information in the internet at
  • 'I am not obliged to justify my respect for living beings.'

If it comes to an argumentative disagreement, it is important not to let oneself be backed into a corner. In the long term, it is above all the tone of the discussion and the consistent explanation which will be remembered. Remembering positive information can often go hand in hand with a process of personal development. The concern then, is to grasp that egotistical and anthropocentric outlooks, which focus solely on human gains, are intrinsically destructive. Ultimately all life forms suffer as a consequence of the destruction of nature, including humans themselves. In the grand scheme of nature, plants, animals and humans are connected to each other. The destruction of nature and bad treatment of living beings not only has negative consequences for ones health, but also has psychological consequences. Concern about ones reputation or a loss of face often prevents honesty in discussion. The observation of human behaviour in general, however, shows clearly that the tendency to patronise and criticise is far greater than to offer respect and acknowledgement. One reason for this is that egoistical people do not know the altruistic life and therefore cannot grasp it. In addition, they are made aware of their own behavioural weaknesses, when confronted with the positive action of others, and therefore react negatively. The talk that goes on behind peoples backs is generally negative anyway, regardless of whether their lifestyle is good or bad. It is therefore not worth worrying too much about how others perceive ones way of life. It is usually sufficient to stick to an explanation of ones own understanding and only to engage in the topic further, if there is real interest. Courage is needed to assert oneself and defend ones own style. However, if this lifestyle is not tolerated by others, it is interesting to examine the value of these kinds of relationships. To become less dependent on intolerant people and instead look for more open-minded people, can open up whole new avenues. It is important to support a positive development in oneself, which is recognisable when more emphasis is put on nature and the existential needs of plants and animals are increasingly taken into account (see 'Checklist for ones Personal Intellectual and Psychological Development', pg. 292). Internal and external health and well-being will profit. Flexibility is an advantage when synchronising ones own needs with those of the natural world in the best possible way. Nature is in constant flux. In this way every situation is also unique and what counts is to act in the best possible manner. To ascertain how nature can profit from sensitive behaviour every day, all that is needed is some attention to the existential needs of plants and animals. There are numerous possibilities to protect life: for example not injuring plants or animals, not stepping on insects, not buying cut flowers, not cutting or tearing twigs, leaves or flowers from living plants.

It is wrong to want to make a distinction between animals and plants when it comes to the respect for living beings.
The sensitivity of plants has been proven. They react to stimuli from their surroundings within their own possibilities. Stimuli, however, have to be perceived and their meanings must be deciphered and understood by each individual life, in order to react in a meaningful way. Plants can be seen to do this successfully. There are some life forms, which are both animal and plant (see Chapter 1 of 'L i v i n g - without harming or killing Animals and Plants', especially 1.5 'The Manifestations of Plant Life' and following chapters). Those who destroy plants, kill animals too, as animals live on under and in plants. In the hay that is sold for small pets, numerous squashed insects, snakes, frogs and the limbs of young rabbits and fauns, which have been caught in the threshing machine, can be found. Before they are then packed into household-sized packs, the animals and animal parts are removed.

Nature needs courageous, upstanding, prudent people, who respect the lives of plants and animals, protect nature and bring their own needs into harmony with those of nature, people who examine information and are prepared to come to their own conclusions and act responsibly. The purer the intentions, and the more honest the attempts to be of use to nature and consistently not harm her creatures, the more affirmative experience will be and the more intense the perception of harmony and joy. If ones actions are in harmony with nature, if animals and plants are not injured and not killed, one experiences an increasing joy, happiness, sense of security and harmony.

As the practice of stealing concepts and ideas for personal gain, or to cause damage, is very common, we would like to point out that only the Naturan Society, who offer their knowledge and services on a voluntary basis, free of charge and without obligations, truly stems back to the peaceful "naturan" way of life. The concept "naturan" was coined by A. Wang.

Only exact quotation is allowed.

In collaboration with A. Wang, we would like to recommend taking an individual, independent path, where responsibility is taken for oneself.

Working in Organizations for Animals, Plants and Nature Protection

Detailed information about work in environmental agencies and other charitable organisations can be found in chapter 11.7 'Environmental Organisations and Initiatives which Protect Plants, Animals and Humans' as well as the chapters of the book 'L i v i n g - without harming or killing Animals and Plants' that follow. On page 488 you will find a list of non-profit activities, which only take 10 to 15 minutes. In terms of current developments and requested topics, only a few points shall be added here. As described under the heading 'The Individual Way', after decades of experience, we recommend care in dealing with organisations. We expressly do not want to promote any organisation, party, religion or movement! We also want to warn against movements which (at first) seem only to be interested in add campaigns or the wearing of badges.

We have material documenting damaging activities in the areas of animal and environmental protection, which can be made available for serious academic study.
We have given no concrete examples of negative activities here, in order to prevent mimicry. It is our goal to suggest an appropriate level of attention and necessary care to well-meaning, yet unsuspecting people. Peaceful and helpful people are the potential victims of cheating.

What should be kept in mind about groups, clubs, and organisations in general, is that groups and organisations are not usually formed for practical reasons, but to provide support or a feeling of community etc. for members. If it is mainly weaknesses that bring members together, like fear, loneliness or insecurity etc. then these communities can have detrimental effects on the individual (see The Individual Way). Through fear of social contempt and to prevent being isolated from a group, group members betray their own values and ideals to a point of self-denial. The danger lies in the identification with the group. Each oppositional personal decision becomes a psychological tug o' war, due to the threat of rejection by the group. So, to avoid rejection, the readiness to accept damaging activities grows.

Responsibility for group decisions must however be carried by all group members.

Both people who intend to damage others, as well as psychologically unstable people are hardly receptive to sensible arguments or gentle persuasion. They do not yet have the internal strength and clarity which is the basis of a positive intellectual and psychological development. Attention to and work on ones personal development is a prerequisite for a way of life which leads to compassion, understanding and enlightenment. It has been the experience that those who believe they are not susceptible to influence by groups are in the most danger. There is usually a lack of attention to human weaknesses in general, and a clouded perception of ones own misdirection. People who attempt to protect nature, who do not want to harm plants and animals, and who are concerned with their own development, act out of compassion for the suffering of other living beings.
In turning their attention to their own intentions to increase their own understanding and abilities, they enjoy more inner peace and are not as driven by the impulse to promote themselves.

Through sincere endeavour and through sacrifice and service to protect nature and her creatures the door is opened to the whole of nature, to security, contentment and enlightenment. This, however, can only be achieved on an individual level.

Such personal development should not be mistaken for the kind of damaging or useless activism, which arises out of a guilty conscience and inner disorder. If actions which supposedly aim to help certain creatures, cause suffering to others through torture, injury or death, this is a definite sign for the dubious nature of these actions. It is psychologically unstable, uprooted people who are strangers to themselves, that want to own and control everything and bully their way into positions of leadership, through which they can exercise power. To arrive at such a position of power, they do not shy away from adapting to any given circumstances for a time. Beliefs and forms of self expression are temporarily taken on until a position has been successfully reached. It is now possible to damage others (financially) or to put others to work for dubious ends.

Some deceptions are planned with much energy and stamina until the desired goal is reached and are, for this reason, difficult to recognise. The actual aims are often outside of the wildest imaginations of good willed people. In the case of good natured characters, guilelessness and a lack of awareness about the possibilities for profiteering and about possible legal loopholes come together. Every human being initially judges others by their own standards and attempts to attract those who are as similar as possible. This is why people motivated by self-interest immediately attract like-minded followers, who they gather around themselves for support. Seriously well-intentioned people are not seldom pushed out of organisations. Members are then told that it is only those remaining that are prepared and competent enough to tackle the work at hand. It is sometimes hard to believe that a person is capable of coming up with strategies like these, which aim to increase influence and deceive, as such intentions do not fit into ones own patterns of thinking and feeling. In the face of the suffering of animals and plants there is a natural desire to awaken feelings of understanding and compassion in others.
But even for the sake of those creatures and the preservation of nature, it is often not worth associating with people of a questionable nature.

The Illusion of a Preservation of Values by an Organisation.

The desire to preserve knowledge and values and keep projects, services and certain approaches going, will almost necessarily lead to the founding of an organisation. This is particularly the case for projects tied to a particular location. If values are to be carried on beyond a lifetime, then at least a community must be founded, which allows members to pass values on to the generations that follow.

The quality of the organisation, however, depends completely on the acting members. This leaves the organisation and its future vulnerable.
Even statutes, which are not allowed to be altered, do not guarantee stability for initial good intentions. In response to diverse influences, for example due to so-called 'adjustments to the current situation', aims can be changed completely or interpreted quite differently.
A well known example of this is the renunciation of war, which is avoided by the re-interpretation of war as 'peace-keeping mission'. Such a shift in attitude and re-interpretation can also occur silently, when the reality of the practical lifestyle is transformed over time, while on the surface still remains tied to original goals. The human tendency to fall back into old habits, can easily lead to a questionable behaviour being taken for granted and continued uncritically, even if it is an obvious contradiction to the original intention. Every well-meaning endeavour can easily become its opposite. As soon as an organisation is founded, those people employ themselves that are motivated by self-interest. Even more so, when financial or other advantages are to be had. According to our experiences, it is hardly possible to avoid the abuse of situations completely. Intuition and tests have only a limited use in recognising self-interest on time. Persistent people with damaging goals employ long-term strategies and adjust themselves so that they can easily pass any period of probation. Hence, the consequences of such self interest have an even more serious impact. After all, the results have to make up for the investment of time and energy. One way to neutralise such self interest is not to pay expenses and to do without other privileges. This, however does not protect against corruption. In the attempt to award contracts or support certain projects, or in trying to prevent protests, members of organisations are often offered some form of private advantage to ensure the outcome of a situation. One single person, motivated by greed and destructive psychological patterns can, through deception and the misuse of legal loopholes, nullify the work of many and cause irreparable damage to nature and living beings. (Empathyless psychopaths can be detected by MRI - magnetic resonance imaging).

The values of a compassionate and gentle way of life with respect to animals and plants existed in India approximately 2500 years ago (see Footnote 13, pg. 24 in 'L i v i n g - without harming or killing Animals and Plants', German edition). The practice of these values is however, much less widespread than the organised philosophies and religions which represent these goals officially. In the history of many philosophical and religious traditions, one can observe a gradual distancing from the original values, for example in the way living beings were retrospectively denied the ability to perceive and feel in order to injure and kill them. Even the establishment of rites and customs, which damage nature and living beings, contradicts the original principle of non-violation of living beings and the reduction of suffering. Occasionally the terms of a world view or philosophy, as well as the name of their founders are misused through individuals or organisations.

Organisations do not guarantee the upholding of values, even if they may seem to increase the chances. Particularly the organised or ritualised aspects can be changed or transformed into its opposite too easily.

The information on the internet, on the homepages and and in the book 'L i v i n g - without harming or killing Animals and Plants', should support individual progress.

The knowledge that others are also attempting to live in a considerate, peaceful and naturan way, can be encouraging and give energy. There is no need for an organisation to uphold qualities such as the consideration for other life forms and for nature, it only takes the relevant information and personal engagement. Where the intellectual and psychological development has progressed far enough, knowledge in combination with attentive engagement can lead to great fulfilment.

The Business of Suffering

The marketing of the suffering of living beings and the increasing destruction of nature brings in large sums of money in the form of donations. The combined total of donations could give the impression that conditions should be perfect. Why is it that funds are not utilised more successfully, that problems have not found long term solutions? Fundraising for charitable purposes, is a competitive market. Pity, shock, the hope of doing something meaningful and a guilty conscience are ideal for making profits through the marketing of suffering. There are few areas which promise both large profits and social recognition for charitable commitment.
Those who are mainly concerned with profiting from suffering (and pity) on a full or part time basis or want to fulfil their need for prestige and recognition, force other upstanding, thoughtful, independent thinkers out of organisations. What counts is not the ease of suffering, but the manipulation of other members. Those interest groups, who want to protect themselves from such developments, can do without money or capital by deciding that each member carries their own costs and achieves their own goals. Those people who are not interested in sensible cheap or even free solutions as there is no money to made from them have been termed 'professional misery salesmen'. Such dubious 'managers of misery' scoff, that profit alone is of importance, which is itself determined by skilful presentation. And success seems to prove them right, as most people do not see through the façade of concern, which hides a simple motto: 'profit, manipulate and make money'. The reasons why this works so well are simple. Those whose goal it is to present themselves play a particular role usually have more practice and are therefore the better actors. Upstanding, self-critical people, who are not interested in playing an act, will concentrate more on their own self-development and are not constantly trying to impress or manipulate others or trying to make an impression.
Within organisations one finds the added and widespread laziness of members. Many just expect to be offered the space to be active, but do not want to take responsibility. A good and unsuspecting nature makes it more difficult to grasp crafty intellectual and psychological patterns.

One small non-profit action has hardly begun, when the fundraising begins. Why?

Why do small animal and environmental protection groups become commercial so quickly? How much money does an animal protection group need to hold a demonstration or vigil?

A bedspread as a banner, some left-over paint for the slogan, time and volunteers.

An information stand, some posters and a notice board can also be made without too much effort. There is already a surplus of information materials. Why don't you try asking whether an organisation would be prepared to hand out their information material about animal and environmental protection without advertising themselves, just for the sake of a good thing. The true motivations quickly become apparent.

Complaints can often be heard about unreasonable costs, although a few hundred information sheets which have been reproduced in an environmentally friendly way, in no way justify a fundraiser.
For example, we have summarised the most important arguments for particular plant and animal protection issues beside advice on possible action in the format of a postcard (on environmentally friendly paper). This A6 format is more than adequate to contain the information. One A4 sheet provides four of these information sheets when divided!
More than one or to prominent statements are not usually read anyway.Large societies can have large sums of money at their disposal, which are never used for what they are intended for. This leads to the problem of tax, money must be spent quickly and is not seldom spent on environmentally damaging advertising gimmicks made of disposal plastic.

Some animal rights groups earn a lot of money through creating the illusion that they organise or take part in illegal animal rescues. As this would be against the law and is of course impossible to prove, it becomes a successful legend.

Functionaries who are led by self interest and crave recognition find those distasteful who warn against fraud and point out that many areas can be managed without fundraising and membership fees. The leadership wars which are evident in many organisations would dissipate very quickly if their apparently so committed members had to take responsibility for their own expenditure and could no longer finance extra curricular activities through donations. Large sums of money are happily spent on extra curricular interests. Within the area of organised animal and environmental protection there is a tendency to have these interests financed by the organisation. Quite a few apparently selfless activities turn out, on closer inspection, to be very lucrative indeed.
There are boards of directors, whose members grant each other unnecessary expenses and other superfluous privileges paid for with donations. It is perfectly fine to treat oneself to every imaginable, environmentally friendly pleasure and comfort, if one pays for it out of ones own pocket. Not seldom very questionable sacrifices are made (see The Individual Way) in order to support supposed good causes.
Sympathy and the desire to make a worthwhile contribution are the often abused motives. After dubious circumstances have been uncovered, all that remains is the resigned hope, that some of the money will have been used in a meaningful way. Really? And if so, how?

People who are ready and willing to work on a voluntary basis, without having their expenses paid and other privileges, often discover they are unwelcome. After all, nobody wants to be told that things work without paid jobs and extensive costs.

We can only advise to make the effort to remain autonomous!
Through earmarked funds (without the deduction of administrative costs) the extent of control needed can be limited to the specific goal. According to the intended goal then, simple tests will then suffice to achieve peace of mind.

To save on environmentally friendly products and services initially and cause suffering to nature and living beings by buying damaging products only to then donate money to ease the guilty conscience, in no way makes up for the damage done (see The Individual Way).

The onus is on every individual human being to look after their own development and protect themselves from negative influences in order to avoid supporting the destruction of nature and the damage to living beings.

Society is guided by economic policy for example, by means of the media. Many publications already exist about the general increase of corruption. Consumption is supposed to compensate for all negative experiences: the experience of addictions and control by others, loss of freedom, of time, or of positive outlook on life and the justified uneasiness about the destruction of the environment and the suffering caused to plants, animals and humans.

Simple things, originally a source for joy, such as having time, experiencing inner peace, self-sufficiency, peace and quiet, being happy with oneself, protecting nature and living beings, experiencing the joy of life, being as independent and free as possible etc. are portrayed as wrong. These kinds of values and desires are increasingly being removed from the public eye, so much so that people are hardly aware that the loss of these natural needs is a source of deep frustration. The prerequisite for a responsible and happy life is respect for nature and consideration for the existential needs of living beings. To realise this, frustration needs to be dealt with in an intelligent manner. The repression of dissatisfaction, discontent and fear through consumption is not the answer.
Sacrificing certain things for the benefit of plants, animals and nature is a source of joy.
In contrast to damaging social tendencies, it is worth having ones own value system and to actually live with respect and consideration.

We all have access to a personal sphere of power. It exists in the influence we can have through our own behaviour and the use of any available means. In order to use this power most effectively and to bring it into harmony with nature, it is important not to allow bad feelings to demoralize you. Often it is possible to prevent or at least reduce feelings of discontent and frustration through forward thinking. One has to ask oneself how to optimise ones personal well being. It could be good conversations, taking a break or holiday, going for a walk, swimming, reading, working in a nice location, meditation, yoga or other similar activities. It is important to find out what environmentally friendly activities one finds uplifting in order to take care of oneself. If personal dissonances are ignored, they are passed on to others, even subconsciously in the form of 'comfort shopping'.

It is therefore important to take responsibility for oneself and ones own well-being. This includes a good supply of ethically sound, organic and naturan products.

If you would like to take action for the welfare of animals and plants and the preservation of nature or for humanitarian projects, we would like to suggest the following:

First of all think about what it is you would actually like to support.

Collect information.

You can discuss any ideas and plans with us.

If you create your own enterprise, you will know why you are making the effort.

Meaningful efforts can be made with the employment of few means.

It does not always have to be a 'big project'.

Each and every honest effort is a step forward and can provide much fulfilment.

The Dragon Society for Nature accompanies and advices individual projects within the area of animal, plant and environmental protection as well as humanitarian projects without obligation, free of charge and on a voluntary basis, as long as the intended actions are in keeping with the naturan way of life and consider the existential needs of all living beings.

Naturan is defined as the attempt to live in harmony with nature, through the protection of nature, by not damaging, injuring or killing animals and plants in keeping with the range of actions available to humans.


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